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Online Poker Banned? Check out Jansen’s Internet Gambling Testimony

Statement of Lisa S. Dean and J. Bradley Jansen Before the Subcommittee on Crime House Judiciary Committee On the Internet Gambling Proposals November 29, 2001

Shred National ID Idea

Shred National ID Idea By J. Bradley Jansen November 23, 2001 We shredded our “Larry Cards” on November 16th when I spoke in front of the Capitol at the National ID Shred In. The event was organized by Marc Rottenberg of EPIC. Lori Cole of Eagle Forum also spoke. Larry Cards were cards humorously purporting […]

Are Sneak and Peek Search Warrants Constitutional?

Are Sneak and Peek Search Warrants Constitutional? J. Bradley Jansen October 26, 2001 Congress is considering an anti-terrorism proposal that contains a “sneak and peak” provision that would let the police enter your home or office, search through your things and, in some cases, take your possessions or electronic information, without you even knowing about […]

Jansen, et al. Letter to President Bush Regarding Anti-Money Laundering Proposals

Jansen, et al. Letter to President Bush Regarding Anti-Money Laundering Proposals Coalition Letter to Bush on Money Laundering October 3, 2001 The Honorable George W. Bush President of the United States The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500 Dear Mr. President, We are writing to express our concerns about proposals that will […]

Section-by-section analysis of anti-terrorism bill 2001

Jansen authored section-by-section analysis of what became the USA PATRIOT Act in 2001.

Letter to Attorney General re: Anti-Terrorism Legislation

Joint Letter to Attorney General Regarding Anti-Terrorism Legislation October 1, 2001 Honorable John Ashcroft Attorney General of the United States Department of Justice 950 Pennsylvania Avenue Washington, D.C. 20530 Dear General Ashcroft: Thank-you for acting quickly and deliberately in response to the events of September 11, 2001. America has never experienced such unbelievable acts on […]

Jansen Testimony on Anti-Terrorism Bill

Statement of J. Bradley Jansen Before the House Judiciary Committee On the Anti-Terrorism Act of 2001 September 24, 2001

Protecting America Starts with Protecting Our Civil Liberties

JANSEN:PROTECTING AMERICA STARTS WITH PROTECTING OUR CIVIL LIBERTIES J. Bradley Jansen September 14, 2001 Jansen insists the war against the terrorists must not backslide into a war against the civil liberties and constitutional freedom that are the basis upon which this country was founded and has been governed by since then. Shock is giving way […]

Golden Opportunity for Social Security

Golden Opportunity for Social Security By J. Bradley Jansen The time has come to get our financial situation in order. I’m not talking about the pros and cons of another stimulus or if the Bush/Obama plans “worked” or not, but a more substantive proposal. Let’s get some of our gold back from the International Monetary […]

Letter Regarding Nomination of John Walters

September 10, 2001 The Honorable Patrick J. Leahy, Chairman Senate Judiciary Committee United States Senate 433 Russell Office Building Washington, DC 20510 Re: Nomination of John Walters Dear Chairman Leahy, Senator Hatch and Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee: We are part of a broad coalition of groups concerned that the war on drugs has […]