Jansen Moderates a Panel at Computers, Freedom and Privacy Conference 2011
Computers Freedom Privacy Conference 2011-Privacy Policies from Monique Altheim on Vimeo.
Jansen on RT about Ron Paul as Monetary Policy Chairman
Jansen testimony to DC Council on gun registration
Written testimony and video available here)
Jansen on Bureaucrash on Heller Gun Case
Liberal Economists, Tea Parties and the 2010 Election
Liberal Economists and the 2010 Election from Kevin Rollins on Vimeo.
Jansen Lecture on the Carry Tax at the Mises Institute’s Austrian Scholars Conference
Audio here
(Follow along with accompanying PowerPoint and see additional background information by clicking on the title link)
Jansen explains how to transition to sound money
(Follow along with accompanying PowerPoint by clicking on the title link)
Jansen speaks on the importance of commodity money and financial privacy
Jansen on NPR’s MarketPlace radio
Listen to the audio here
Bradley Jansen’s Senate testimony against a National ID proposal
Oral prepared testimony audio here
Questions and Answers audio here
(Follow along with accompanying written testimony and see additional background information by clicking on the title link)