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J. Bradley Jansen, Director
Location: Washington, D.C. 

J. Bradley Jansen is the director of the Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights, part of the Liberty and Privacy Network, a Washington DC-based non-profit founded in 2005 to defend privacy, civil liberties and market economics. He is an adjunct scholar at the Competitive Enterprise Institute. Previously at the Free Congress Foundation, Jansen safeguarded privacy and other Constitutional liberties including testifying before Congress on the USA PATRIOT Act proposal, National ID, and other issues. While working for U.S. Rep. Ron Paul, he initiated and lead opposition to the “Know Your Customer” proposal. Jansen holds a BA in International Studies from Miami University (Ohio), learned Spanish at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Colombia), and with advanced studies in economic history at Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile) and law and economics at George Mason University School of Law.

He is a columnist with The Daily Caller, the Huffington Post and the Nolan Chart.

Chuck Moulton

Chuck Moulton is associate director of the Center for Financial Privacy and Human Rights and coordinator of its Free Banking Project.  He is a graduate lecturer at George Mason University currently teaching classes on Money & Banking.  Previously a law clerk at the Cato Institute, he researched issues for scholars affiliated with the Center for Constitutional Studies.  Moulton holds a M.A. in economics, a J.D. in law, and a B.S. in mathematics.  He is an ABD Ph.D. student in economics at George Mason University, writing a dissertation on the transition to free banking under the direction of Professor Lawrence H. White.  Mr. Moulton is licensed to practice law in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and California and is a Registered Professional Parliamentarian